Power in on strategic storytelling with Billy Etc. - Making a high impact PR strategy.


“PR darling, I PR things...” Let’s talk strategy, where are you now and where do you want to be? What is the moment and how do we align your brand with it? Let’s curate your key messages, connect you with the right people, at the right publication, at the right time, and create a real cultural impact.

Brand storytelling with Billy Etc. - PR strategy in event management and content marketing.


We need to tell your story before you deliver your sales message. Every touch point between you and your customer matters, that means videos, blogs, and social media posts. The best content feels editorial, so who better to create it than your publicist?

Sydney’s standout PR agency, where brand stories are amplified in event management.


Are you on the list? My mistake, you OWN the list. In the ever changing world of PR, the one thing we know for sure is that experiences are priceless. Get your product in the hands of people who can take it to the next level. Forget champagne and canapés, we’re talking interactive experience that showcase your brand in situ… with champagne.

Join forces with Billy Etc. for impactful crisis communications.


You’ve cooked it? I can help. Through strategic communications and honesty, we will get through this together.

Billy Etc. Strategic PR strategy, event marketing and influencer marketing.


If content is king, influencers are the power behind the crown. Today’s digital marketing landscape is saturated, without a strategy, you’ll be lost among the noise. Let me help make sure the influencers you engage create content that is seen by those who matter.